Noel Koffi YAO

Honors and publications
Author of several works, the most recent of which is on collective procedures for the clearance of liabilities "GUIDE OF COLLECTIVE PROCEDURES OHADA, Edition 2010 updated in 2017 with the revised OHADA Uniform Act relating to collective settlement procedures liabilities, and a range of EGOUEXPERT management software including EGOUEXPERT CAC, audit and statutory accounting software and EGOUEXPERT-MARCHE for auditing the procurement process.
Mr. YAO Koffi Noël is a French state certified accountant. Active for more than 30 years in the field of accounting and auditing in Ivory Coast and internationally, he has been registered since 1996 with the Order of Chartered Accountants of Ivory Coast.
Mr. YAO is a founding managing partner of the Yzas Baker Tilly firm, an independent member of the Baker Tilly international network, the 8th global network of auditing and accounting firms. For 22 years, he has led this entity after having held senior management positions for 18 years in different entities in various sectors of activity, the latest of which are RANK XEROX-CI, SICOBEL SA, COSMIVOIRE, etc.
Mr. YAO actively participates in the management of the profession in Ivory Coast;
- He is vice-president of the national council of the order of chartered accountants of Côte d'Ivoire
- He chairs the Technical Committee in charge of various accounting of the National Accounting Council of Côte d'Ivoire (CNC-CI) .
- He participated in the various works leading to the development of the SYSCOA and its harmonization with the SYSCOA/OHADA.
- He is a member of the French Institute of Chartered Accountants (IFEC);
- He is focal point of the IFAC (International Federation of Accountants),
- He led all the work leading to the acceptance of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Côte d'Ivoire as a full member of the IFAC.
- Mr. YAO Koffi Noël chairs the commission responsible for ensuring compliance with obligations for maintaining law and order as a member of the IFAC.